Category: Uncategorized

The Amazing Power of Fun

It seems that each and every day we are fed a healthy diet of negative news from the media: companies are laying off workers, we are experiencing the worst recession since the dawn of man, global warming is melting the planet, war, famine, poverty, healthcare, taxes are going up etc. All of this instability and …

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Compensation, Behavior, and Business Growth

I’ve heard it so often stated that compensation drives behavior. It makes obvious sense doesn’t it? Then why do so many businesses overlook this very important fact when designing pay programs? Three reasons: 1. It’s hard to manage and measure 2. Additional operational expense. 3. An unstated belief that everyone should do the right thing …

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Memorable Interaction

Quick – Think of the most memorable interactions you have had with a business greater than three years ago. Chances are, a negative experience immediately came to mind. Why? According to this article in Time, there are 2 reasons for this. 1. Survival instincts – touching fire is bad and 2. Strong emotions have a …

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