Category: Uncategorized

What is the most important sale for any business?

Here is a hint – don’t think customer.  Give up?  Well, all sales are important, but in my opinion the most important sale that propels’ business to new heights is the one you make to yourself and your employees.  After all, if you or your colleagues are not convinced about the value of the products …

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Proof – Fun Changes Behavior

I really like this photo for several reasons: 1. Participants were provided a choice as to whether or not to participate. 2. Participants bought into the fun and modified their behavior 3. It’s a great example of the power of fun in action. Now, I want you to take a minute and just imagine that …

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Meet The Flockers

People want to do business with people they like, know and trust. That fact, combined with the axioms that “no one wants to make a bad decision”, and “no one ever wants to feel taken”, helps to explain the growing importance of social media in businesses. Social media is merely the next evolutionary step of …

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