How NOT to handle a customer service complaint

I rented an automobile from a large, seemingly reputable company, who’s name will remain anonymous to protect the guilty.  I picked-up the car from the MD airport, and given schedules, costs, etc., I opted to drive home to PA, which required me to return the car to a different location  Before renting the automobile, I confirmed the billing charges with an agent over the telephone – I was quoted a two-day, one-way rate, that was exorbitantly high.  I then explained that I only needed the car for one day, and would return it promptly the following morning.   The closest return center was 15 minutes from my home, which opened at 8:30 am, but I had the option of returning the car at the Philadelphia Airport (1 hour and 10 minutes away from my home), which was open 24 hours – REALLY?

I picked the car up in the morning, went to my meeting, and drove home that evening, dutifully returning the automobile the following morning at the local center.  I showed up at 8:15 waiting for the return counter to open.  Once the agent arrived, I gave them my keys, a copy of the rental agreement, noting the mileage, and that I had filled the tank.  They logged the car in and presented me with a bill that was twice what I was quoted – charging me for two days instead on one.   Apparently, I either picked the car up 15 minutes early, or was ultimately logged in 15 minutes late, but the said unnamed company charged me for an entire extra day.  When I complained, I was told by the agent that I should contact customer service, and I was assured that they’ll take care of it and make an adjustment.  This explanation sounded quire reasonable and rational to me.

So that same morning I called the customer service department.  After waiting 20 minutes on hold, I finally spoke to an agent who reviewed the case and said, I was wrong and they were correct in charging me for an extra day.  Unsatisfied, perhaps because the agent never really listened to anything I said, I asked to speak with a manager.  The agent responded with “You want to speak to a manager? “ Yes, I replied.  ”Okay, I’ll put it in the system and someone will get back to you.”  24 hours passed, and no call – I again called customer service, provided them with my case number, and asked to speak to a manager, again I was told, “I’ve put you in the system and a manager will get back to you.”  I just assumed that it was an honest mistake and I thanked them and went about my day.  Two days passed, and still no call back from a manager.  Again, I called back to customer service, asking to speak with a manager. I was told, “Sir, I’ll have a manager call you back.”  “No,” I said, “I have already gone through this process several times now and haven’t received a single call back, may I please hold for a manager?”  Please Hold.” After another 20 minutes, another agent got on the phone, saying: “Sir we’ve reviewed your case, and the charges are correct, so there’s no reason to speak to a manager.”  “Oh Really?” I replied, “May I please speak with one anyway?” “No sir, they don’t want to talk with you, “ I was told.  REALLY?  “All-righty then, in that case, may I please speak with the manager’s, manager instead then?”  ”No sir, no one is willing to speak to you about this.”  WOW – Needless to say, I was one pissed off customer, and vowed never to use this company ever again.  I filed a complaint with the BBB, which has had Zero Impact.  Ever since this incident, I strongly encourage others to steer clear of this company – which isn’t the purpose of this article, but boy am I ever tempted. The point that I’m trying to make is this: a quick 10 minute phone call by someone in management could have changed everything – even if the outcome hadn’t changed.  To be honest, I’m more angered by their unwillingness to speak with me – their loyal (up until this incident customer). In retrospect, this was a very shortsighted approach by this company, very short sighted approach by this company – read on to find out why.

Let’s do some quick math to calculate the impact to this rental company.  I typically rent 3-4 cars a month at a going rate of $68 per day.  Therefore, on average I spend $210-$280 per month (That’s over $3,300 a year!).  I have told three other road warriors like myself about the rude customer service, and their unwillingness to even listen to me (their customer), and each of them have said they wouldn’t want to find themselves in a similar situation like that, and have voluntarily switched to other agencies for their rentals as well.  Over the next 5 years, this company will miss out on approximately $60,000 in business, (more if my friends also spread the word) all as a result of poor customer service practices.

The key take away from this experience is this, as you put together your support policies, please remember to put escalation policies in place that will, at a minimum not alienate your customers.

High Performance Virtual Teams

Much has already been written about working with virtual teams.  The CEO of Yahoo recently touched off a firestorm with her recent edict that telecommuters must abandon their homes and get to an office or risk losing their jobs.  Since I haven’t walked a mile in her shoes, I can’t comment as to whether or not this move was necessary, but I can say that managing a remote workforce does pose a number of challenges.  My experience is that with a little forethought, and the right tools, telecommuters can be as productive (if not more) than their office coworkers.

1. The Right Tools Are Essential – If telecommuters don’t have the following equipment then they (and you) are in trouble.  In my opinion, the “must have’s” are:

  • Laptop or Computer
  • Business Application Software
  • Camera & Microphone
  • Headset
  • Telephone or Cell Phone
  • Conference Bridge
  • Printer & Scanner
  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • Web Collaboration Tools – Instant Messenger
  • Access to the Employee Directory

You may be wondering, is all that really necessary?  Well, actually yes.  Essentially, if an employee has all of the same access to physical resources that they would enjoy in the office, then they won’t be constrained.  In fact, it’s extremely wise to ask someone who is considering telecommunicating whether or not they are equipped for success.

2.  Leadership – Having a clear chain of command regarding where telecommuters can turn to for help is essential.  Leaders have to be accessible to telecommuters at a moment’s notice.  Why?  Well telecommuters don’t have the luxury of sitting outside your office, or catching you as you walk by the photo copier.

3. Coordination – Telecommuters should be provided with a clear understanding of the overall goal.  Moreover, each team member must know what they are expected to contribute, understand the timelines, and know the detailed plan for given tasks.

4. Communication – Everyone should be updated regularly regarding status – Get the group together for brief conference calls, E-mails, Instant Messaging, etc.  With proper communication – telecommuters will feel like they are just as connected as their office- going peers and their bosses will not need to question their productivity!

5. Perks – About the only time telecommuters really feel disconnected from the rest of the company is around social activities.  Since they aren’t available to go out to lunch with co-workers, or have a drink after work they miss out on some important bonding. Therefore, I suggest that you sponsor a weekly office lunch, and let telecommuters expense their lunch as well.  And, put the speakerphone on wherever you are gather so that they can be a part of the social interaction.  Be sure to avoid discussing work, but have thoughtful questions for the group, so as to keep everyone engaged.  Some examples would be; 1. What hobbies have you had that people might not know about?, 2. Where have you vacationed that you most enjoyed and why? etc.

If you follow this advice, you’ll have a very productive, and connected telecommuting workforce.

Don’t Jump the Shark

The other day I was reading an article that quoted an Apple Executive who mentioned that Instagram had “Jumped the Shark”. Perplexed by what this meant, I did a quick Google and found a Wikipedia reference to the term. In summary, the saying is derived from the 70’s hit Sitcom “Happy Days”. The show was a smash hit for many consecutive years, but the writers eventually ran out of creative ideas for the show, so rather than coming up with innovative stories and dialogue (i.e. Innovation) they instead resorted to stunts to keep audiences attention. In one episode they had “Fonzie” water skiing wearing his trademark leather jacket jumped over a penned-in shark. That episode was the beginning of the end for Happy Days.

Just a few weeks ago in Australia, RIM – maker of the once-dominant Blackberry devices, also Jumped the Shark. For many years, RIM was the 800lb Gorilla of smart wireless devices. Their Blackberry Enterprise Server set the standard for e-mail and calendar integration. Blackberry was completely caught off guard by Apple and Google Android phones, and their attempts at innovation lacked originality and they never quite regain their footing, and they find themselves slipping further and further behind. Someone in their marketing department thought it would be a brilliant idea to send a busload of protesters to an Apple store in Sydney holding “Wake Up” signs. This stunt was designed to create a viral buzz, and get everyone wondering “what” we are supposed to wake up to? Almost everyone believed that Samsung was behind the stunt since they’ve been innovating like crazy. But Apple quickly got to the bottom of things and found out that RIM was behind the whole affair. Why? To promote their new operating system 10 – Yawn. They haven’t quite figured out that customers want fast, snazzy phones, with powerful software and application choices – not just an operating system.

If you are in marketing, resist the temptation to take desperate measures in lieu of real innovation – it won’t work and the tragedy is that you will likely only tarnish your brand further.  On the other hand, if you aren’t in a position to influence marketing and your company resorts to Jumping the Shark type stunts instead of focusing on Real Innovation – that should be your wake up call to Jump Ship before you get bitten.