Being flexible makes a lasting impression

I’ve been having some banking challenges these past few weeks.  For whatever reason, I maintain two checking accounts with BOFA, one interest bearing, one not.  The other day I received an e-mail from BOFA notifying me that my checking account had insufficient funds available to pay some fee – which honestly gave me this sinking feeling that I had been hacked.  I swung into action and abruptly closed the non-interest bearing account, who needs that anyway?  A bit more research and I discovered the source of my problem: my wife had inadvertently started using checks from an old box that was tied to the non-interest bearing checking account.  Yes, the same account I had so quickly closed.  Whoops

I explained my tale of woe to BOFA and was told, no problem Mr. MacIsaac – we’ll remove that $35. overdraft fee from your account.  I was grateful and asked them to re-open the account which they did right away.  The trouble is, they couldn’t transfer funds into that account until 24 hours which was the time required to update all their systems (computer thing – ugh).  I looked in the register, 6 additional checks outstanding (GASP!).  I woke up the next morning and immediately transferred funds into the account to cover the outstanding checks – too late, 3 more checks triggering overdraft protection and new 35. fee’s for each check – ouch.  I dutifully called the bank again and further explained the situation.

  • Second overdraft: $35 Fee – No problem, we’ll remove that (I’m thinking, wow – that’s really nice of you)
  • Third overdraft: $35 Fee – No problem, we’ll remove that (I’m thinking, seriously?  I’m the one that screwed up)
  • Fourth overdraft: $35 Fee – No problem, we’ll remove that one too (I’m thinking – BOFA is the greatest bank in the world)

I actually said to the customer service representative – I really don’t remember you guys being so great with customer service, what’s changed?  Well Mr. MacIsaac, we’ve created a special group within the bank that’s completely dedicated to our most valued customers.  Since you have been banking with us for so long, and since you have been such a great customer, we are empowered to make special concessions for unique situations that might arise, and I guess you could say this qualifies.  I certainly would, thank you for that explanation and thank you for all of your help.

I concluded that call thinking, what a great bank, what great service, who can I tell how thrilled I am with my bank?  So I sat down at the computer and started writing this blog.  Great customer service, empathy, understanding and flexibility makes a lasting impression….



What is the most important sale for any business?

Here is a hint – don’t think customer.  Give up?  Well, all sales are important, but in my opinion the most important sale that propels’ business to new heights is the one you make to yourself and your employees.  After all, if you or your colleagues are not convinced about the value of the products or services you sell, then how could you ever expect to be successful convincing someone else to buy it/them? The short answer is, you won’t. Therefore, the most important sale has to occur internally. Employees must have an almost zealous fervor for the products or services they sell, and it’s up to leadership to provide that.  Ignoring this important internal sale will show up later in your disappointing sales figures.

Service that leaves an impression

The other day my son and I stopped at our favorite fast food restaurant – Chick-fil-A.   If you haven’t been to a Chick-fil-A and you like chicken, you’ll definitely want to give this a try.   Chick-fil-A is a fast food restaurant where you wait on line, place your order, give you name, step aside and wait for your name to be called to pick up your order.   Generally, the process is similar at most fast food restaurants, except instead of a number they refer to you by name (nice touch).  Now, here is where things divert.  If you elect to dine in, an employee will deliver the food to you on a tray.  Moreover, it’s someone’s job to ask if you are happy with your meal, provide refills, and is there just to be helpful; WOW.  Pretty standard stuff if you are dining at a restaurant, but exceptional service for a fast food establishment.

There must be something in the water at Chick-fil A – all of the employees look happy and genuinely glad to be working there.  Perhaps it is their hiring process, their training process, or even the fact that they close the restaurant on Sunday’s so that employees can be with their families.  Maybe it is all of the above, but they are definitely on to something with their formula.  The food is great, the service is exceptional, and you feel good going there.

What’s does all this have to do with you?  A lot.  I think that every business professional can learn from Chick-fil-A.  They:  a) Demonstrate respect for their workers b) Foster a motivating and fun environment for their workers c) Create a close relationship with their customers and d) Exceed customer expectations.  It’s that little bit extra that leaves a lasting impression.  I’m not a customer, I’m a fan.  Now, don’t you want your customers to feel that way about your products or services?  Think about what you could do differently to foster a similar environment for your employees.  What unexpected things could you do to make your customers feel extra special?

Do you have any similar experiences to share?